Develop Film At Home Machine. (you can develop 2 rolls of 120 film or 3 rolls of 35mm in a 3 roll tank. 1 roll of 120 or 2 rolls of 35mm can be developed in a 2 reel tank).
Each part needs to be mixed in 110 degrees fahrenheit water, so make sure you're not. A great photographic resource is the film photography project, who sells a starter pack for developing both color and film camera through their online store. I haven’t used a darkroom for developing film.
Pretty nice in my opinion.
Most film development tanks are designed to be used under normal lighting. The stores and services listed here charge between $5 and $11 to process one roll of 35mm film. Then spool your undeveloped film onto the developing reel in a dark room and place the reel in a. If any moisture is still present on the film’s surface, just be patient and wait for it to dry as opposed to trying to wipe it off.