Eggers Funeral Home Rosholt Obituaries. Get information about eggers funeral home in rosholt, south dakota. Find answers to your questions.
Peter's catholic church 525 chestnut st e, sisseton, sd on saturday, june 19th, 2021 at 10:30 am with view full obituary. Visitation will be sunday from 5 to 7 pm with a 7 pm prayer service at eggers funeral home, rosholt. View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for eggers funeral home in rosholt, south dakota.
View the obituary for robert brockel.
John's catholic church 127 rosholt, south dakota 57260 add an event. Eggers funeral home, rosholt, sd lanie, therese tess 90, died april 20, 2020. Funeral mass will be monday, february 1, at 10:30 am at st. Funeral mass will view full obituary.