Home Care And Family Support Grant Michigan. The elderly waiver and personal care assistance offer personal care. Michigan bridges is the gateway for dhs employment support services.
Adult home help services (“ahhs”), formerly known as “chore services,” is administered through the michigan department of human services agency (“dhs”). And we will provide direction and support as needed. Another option is the cadi waiver.
The subsidy provides a monthly payment ($222.11) that the family must spend on special needs that occur as a result of caring for a child with a severe disability at home.
Presents tips for grant writers on what goes into a successful grant proposal and how to draft a grant proposal that has the best odds of being funded. There is always a computer trail, but you can leave this site quickly. Funding will be used to provide food and supplies for the pets of meals on wheels clients, which can often be a financial and physical challenge for older adults to manage on their own. Together, we will find the perfect fit for your loved one;