Home Of The Brave Book Characters. The story revolves around the protagonist, a young boy named kek, who has fled from violence and upheaval in his native sudan and traveled alone to the united states. For keith and michele, home of the brave “incorporates aspects of african culture as well as experiences of immigration, and the challenging lifestyle that comes with moving to a new country.” we have discussed the need to bring stories into the curriculum, where “children gain insights into how people feel, live, and think in global cultures, both recognizing their common humanity and valuing.
Bestselling author katherine applegate presents home of the brave, a beautifully wrought middle grade novel about an immigrant's journey from hardship to hope. “home of the brave” is a sensitive story that covers many of the issues faced by new immigrants from third world countries, from misunderstandings of appliances, to the struggle to learn english, to racism. Characters of home of the brave study guide.
10 questions and answers of the home of brave.
An american history book for kids: For keith and michele, home of the brave “incorporates aspects of african culture as well as experiences of immigration, and the challenging lifestyle that comes with moving to a new country.” we have discussed the need to bring stories into the curriculum, where “children gain insights into how people feel, live, and think in global cultures, both recognizing their common humanity and valuing. Page references are for your use.] in this novel, told in free verse, an eleven year old african boy who has seen more than he should have seen and known great loss and sadness, opens our eyes to the horrors of war. Characters of home of the brave study guide.