Home Remedies For Termites Killing. You just need to mix the white vinegar with the juice of two squeezed lemons. The home remedies in this article aim to help you in killing the termites effectively.
Basically, there are five types of termites including conehead, drywood, formosan, dampwood and subterranean, but your furniture is commonly destroyed by drywood termites. Neem oil doesn’t really act immediately since it’s one of the home remedies for termites that require the pests to come in direct contact with it for. The home remedies in this article aim to help you in killing the termites effectively.
Termites like darkness and once exposed to light and heat can help in sweeping them off.
Vinegar is one of the best methods which are being used in many home remedies. If you take the necessary steps, and continue termite prevention and exterior home maintenance, you will keep termites away for good. You just need to mix the white vinegar with the juice of two squeezed lemons. Thus they are not able to breathe and eventually die.