How To Get Rid Of Wisdom Teeth Pain At Home. Here are some proven home remedies for wisdom teeth pain that you can try to ease the pain and discomfort. It helps to cure inflammation in the gum due to wisdom teeth.
A compound called allicin useful to relieve pain in the teeth. When looking for something strong to kill oral bacteria, tea tree oil stands number one! It can be directly applied to the aching tooth.
If you prefer to use a natural remedy for wisdom teeth pain relief, salt water and clove oil are both effective.
(3) ease wisdom tooth pain by using cloves as cloves are good for the teeth. Rubbing whiskey or another strong liquor onto your wisdom teeth as they erupt to the surface of your gum might help dull pain receptors, easing your discomfort. Home remedies for wisdom teeth pain. Aloe vera gel is a safe treatment for the reduction of pain and inflammation around the wisdom tooth.