Iron Deficiency Anemia Test At Home. Physicians usually utilize the test referred to as the fbc or full blood count, in which, as the name implies, the cells are counted in a sample of blood. Iron supplements are used to restore iron levels.
However, sometimes ferritin levels are misleading because they can be falsely elevated (and thus appear normal) due to liver damage, inflammation, infection, or cancer. Why do i need this anaemia test? Anemia is mainly caused due to deficiency of iron element in our blood.
Hence you must take iron rich food such as spinach (richest source of iron), cooked dry beans, iron fortified whole grains, apricots.
Iron deficiency anemia results from low or depleted stores of iron, which is needed to produce red blood cells. Blood tests for iron deficiency anaemia. It is a blood test for anaemia that detects if you have low iron in your blood. This type of anemia is caused by a shortage of iron in your blood.