Lat Pulldown At Home Substitute. Since we don’t have either of these machines at home, here are some alternatives. Lat pulldown alternative (rack chins) best alternative to lat pull downs at home with bands lat pull down substitute
It works on your lats, scapula, rear delts and traps. The exercises below are hardly the only substitutes for lat pulldowns. Lat pulldowns are generally performed on a specific lat pulldown cable machine, often using a curved bar (other bars and handles can be used for variations on the classic pulldown).
Although some people specifically train with wide grip pulldown bars, we’d still suggest using a moderate width.
The cable is attached to the bar at one end and a stack of weights at the bottom. If you’re training at home with just dumbbells, our approach is almost identical. Although some people specifically train with wide grip pulldown bars, we’d still suggest using a moderate width. The machine can be adjusted for height and range of weights.