Puppy First Night Home Crying In Crate. The crate training at night back up plan! If he continues to whine, a gentle shake by the scruff and a firm hush could be in order.
This is a common issue for dog owners who use the crate as a form of punishment. If your puppy cries in his crate before bed (or anytime): As soon as the puppy realizes that he is alone, he will start crying and whining to call his brothers and sisters.
Our nova scotia duck tolling retriever stippy certainly kept us awake during his first few nights home with us.
If your puppy is not ready to be shut in the crate during the day for a nap after the first couple of nights, then you’ll need a short term solution. Some trainers suggest filling a metal can with marbles and shaking it each time your puppy howls, with an accompanying hush as a way to stop your puppy from crying. And since your puppy isn’t used to sleeping in a crate, his crate training starts on the very first night at a new home. For a successful first night, you should exercise your puppy and provide him with toys before going to bed.