Radon Testing During Home Inspection. Florida law demands radon testing be conducted as part of any home inspection before the sale of a property. Most real estate agents strongly encourage a home inspection when purchasing a home.
Testing by a trained and certified individual is necessary. Radon is a threat to health because it tends to collect in homes, sometimes to very high concentrations. Learn how you can protect your family.
Conduct the test in the lowest livable area of.
Many new construction homes are built with passive radon mitigation systems that can easily be converted to an active system with the addition of a fan. Radon mitigation is becoming commonplace in both wisconsin and minnesota and will generally be requested during real estate transactions before the home can close. Locally owned and operated i put a lot of pride and integrity into every home inspection. Radon is prevalent in maryland and dc, and about 80% of our clients choose to get the radon tested during the home inspection.