Requirements For Home Depot Credit Card. Just having the credit score needed for a home depot card doesn’t guarantee approval. This is the same for the lowe's advantage card and for lowes business cards.
The home depot project loan card is for people planning an expensive project who want to finance some of the costs. Of the 2 personal cards offered, this one is more like a traditional credit card. • special promotions offered during the year.
Must be at least 18 years old.
This is the same for the lowe's advantage card and for lowes business cards. After the 6 months are over you’ll have up to 84 months to pay off the balance, at the same fixed rate of 7.99% apr. 5% back in points on eligible gas station purchases, for the first $10,000 (which includes the eligible restaurant and grocery store purchases) during the promotional period and then 1% thereafter. Then you’ll have 6 months to make purchases for your project.