Taunton Road Funeral Home. 32 priorswood road, taunton, ta2 7pw. A mass of christian burial will be held on tuesday, april 13, 2021 at 10:30am in saint john the baptist church, 945 main road, westport.
We at destefano funeral home services inc. Resurrection catholic cemetery offers a complete selection of burial options including mausoleum and cremation entombment as well as ground burial in monument lots, flat marker and cremation graves. We would ask for the chapel to be cleared in 25 minutes, so that it is ready for the next service.
We are now located at:
69 staplegrove road ta1 1dg taunton. 55 bridge st ta1 1tp taunton 01984 624149. Tuesday, may 25, 2021 and 12 p.m. 69 staplegrove road, taunton, somerset, ta1 1dg 01823 277938 yeomans, eastcombe, bishops lydeard, taunton, ta4.