Xanthelasma Removal At Home Garlic. I’ve to get rid of this hideous deposit on my eye. I applied vaseline, using a cotton bud around the xanthelasma, to protect the good skin.
Here we will cover the various options that are sometimes recommended for xanthelasma removal, such as garlic, castor oil and more. Studies have found that the sulfur compounds contained in garlic inhibit synthesis of cholesterol in the liver. Nor should you waste your time on any of the myriad old wives’ tales surrounding xanthelasma.
Some people suggest that you rub a clove of garlic on your xanthelasma and it may be of some benefit to your xanthelasma.
In short, garlic may not remove your xanthelasma reliably. The base to this solution stems from the belief that xanthelasma removal leads to permanent spots on the surface. In general you cannot count on garlic to remove your xanthelasma. Garlic is however worth taking to control your cholesterol levels and potentially help you with other health issues that xanthelasma might result from.